Hi fellow Newgrounders!
Alot of us know that Scratch is a program language pretty simple made for kids. Doing impressive projects is for advanced people, like the games Crystal Seeker, Paper Minecraft, Appel, etc. Flappy Bird is a cool game to be made in Scratch, is pretty easy, but is soo easy that way people? if the answer is yes, then say no to:
Flappy Parrot
Flappy Parrot is a Flappy Bird made in Scratch by me! From the moment the beta is the only thing we have but im saying this because the full version is being made!
From the features in the first version now in full there is like a bunch!
Beta Version:
"Free Air" map
Game Over
You Win Message
Full Version:
A Brand Logo
Menu Buttons:
Play Button:
11 new maps (12 maps in full)
Account Button:
User's Account
His levels
Levels passed (counting customs levels)
And much, MUCH and MUCH MORE features in full version!
So enjoy your wait!
Beta Version: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/912033613
Not gif cuz gonna be ass without much time.
In Newgrounds in April!
see you in 2023 retrospective!
Well, I would wait for it!